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Monday, November 14, 2011

How To Create High Light Box On

Often we see someone there in the post boxes are different colors, usually containing the HTML code or something you'll enjoy. For example as shown below.

I will discuss how to make the box (High Light Box )

1. Go into your Blogspot Dashboard, and create a new posting ( Posting > New Post ) 
2. Select the Edit HTML box top right corner of the box new posts 
3. Write the following code in the Edit HTML box

<div style="background:#00F5F5; border:1px dashed #3D3DFF; padding:5px;">
Write the text you want displayed here

4. To change the color of the color code you can see Here , and replace the green code "#3D3DFF" with the color code you want
5. Save and back to Compose box top right corner of the box new posts.

Note: You have to make High Lights box this first before continuing your writing, so allow you to enter and determine the position of the code above in the Edit HTML.

Good luck and hopefully useful for you.
Thank You ^^


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